Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

In-Class Writing December1

In-Class Writing December1

Q This is all about generating ideas for your Multimodal Reflection. You want to focus on your progress as a student and as a writer. Write answers to these questions, but also feel free to include images and/or links to media like music or video. This isn't about presenting a cohesive essay, but about getting ideas on paper that you can work with. 1. How did you feel about college writing before this semester? Has that changed and if so, how? 2. How much academic writing do you do outside of this class? (For the purposes of this exercise, consider any writing you do for a grade in a class to be academic writing.) Have you seen your approach to academic writing change during the course of this semester and if so how? 3. How much non-academic writing do you do—texts, emails, social media, letters, creative writing? Have you seen your approach to non-academic writing change during the course of this semester and if so how? 4. What do you think is your greatest strength as a writer? Greatest weakness? 5. What was your favorite assignment (written, reading, or viewing) this semester and why?

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I felt like this class overall was going to be hard.